Tuesday, October 30, 2007
the floor swimmer
Cael and I crawl around the kitchen floor to demonstrate to Isabel the finer points of this particular form of travel. She pushes up as high as she can, inching backward and around in a circle until she backs herself into a corner. They seem to agree that this is the best form of entertainment so far today.

Thursday, October 25, 2007
po’[;/cfdd - Cael’s first contribution

The past few days: Isabel is eating baby food with much enthusiasm (Cael is trying to feed her too- tonight peas were ‘gently’ shoved into her mouth); Cael picked out a pumpkin for himself and his sister at the pumpkin patch; Isabel has 2 teeth; Cael is afraid of his Halloween costume; Judd made yummy pizza, yummy scones, yummy soup, and more yummy soup; I am working on a quilt for Cael; Mom is still in Italy; I found a present for Ella that she will love and my dad will hate!

Saturday, October 13, 2007
and then what happened
For the two weeks Judd is at work, I take mental notes of the changes in our children and the routines we have had to tweak in order to keep up with them. “He can get out through the basement,” I will warn him, “so we have to make sure to keep the baby gates closed.” Or, “He can climb onto the table now so we have to keep the salt and pepper on the counter.” And then, “The cutting board is no longer a safe place to keep knives, or for that matter neither is the counter because he can pull a chair over and climb up.” Every new skill comes with a new adjustment, and Judd has to relearn every time he comes home. This time it is, “Don’t rely on the baby gates anymore. He just jumps up and down on the lever and shakes the gate until it opens.” Nice.
Friday, October 12, 2007
bad monkey
Cael wants to pee in the potty again. I am thrilled and he is proud. He runs around the house naked for a little bit- which should be fine because he just went, right? A few minutes later I find him in position, knees slightly bent, carefully aiming for... the dog bowl.
When can we come for a visit, Bev?
When can we come for a visit, Bev?
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Grace comes to visit and Cael is so happy to see her that he runs up to her and applies diaper rash cream to her butt.
Monday, October 8, 2007
easy out
Cael pitches and I hit. His aim is getting better, but he aims for my face, so the bat is up in self defense. In between hits, Cael runs over to me and gives me a big hug, sometimes even a kiss. Then he gets back in position and hugs the ball. Tonight he is sleeping with both.
Today he practiced the words ‘bad kitty’ over and over.
Today he practiced the words ‘bad kitty’ over and over.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Isabel rocks the excer-saucer
Isabel is performing her ‘Salutation to the Sun’ pose, arms up up up, head back, followed by the ‘Old Macdonald Sway’ with a drool drool here and a coo coo there, here a drool there a coo, everywhere a drool coo... Now it is time for her 5 minute poo.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
away again

Although I am always sad to see Judd leave and I miss having him here to share in all the quirky moments of parenthood, I do appreciate having my son back. Cael is all about Dad from the moment Judd walks in the door. It is great to get a break from chasing a toddler and spend some time with Isabel while the boys go play, but I start to miss my bond with Cael. He snuggles in my lap to read, he tells me long-winded stories about ducks and squirrels (from what I can decipher), he clings to me when he is nervous, tired or scared, he whaps my butt with a hammer when he wants my attention, he chases me with the spray bottle and he helps me out with his sister. And I love to lie in bed with him at night and talk about what we did that day...
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